The Beta Switch Reviews
The Beta Switch Reviews For my very own purposes I have named this amazing weight loss program as the “HCG Diet Vancouver”. It was a warm sunny afternoon in Vancouver, when I first came across some interesting material about the HCG Dietary regime developed by Dr. Albert Simeons in 1954. According to his findings, the implementation of HCG injections and supplementary doses, along with a low calorie diet, could result in effective weight loss and overall increase in the rate of metabolism. “HCG Diet Vancouver” spreads over a period of 26-43 days and aids in the removal of excessive fats through the use of HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. The excess fat is then burnt to provide the calories required to maintain the requisite energy levels and prevent hunger pangs caused due to limited intake of food. Given below are some simple tips to achieve success in the HCG weight loss program. • To achieve good results, it is important to adhere to the HCG diet protocol. Practitioners recommend the intake of only 500 calories per day and this restriction should be followed in strict accordance to the prescribed guidelines. • To prevent food cravings in between meals, prepare your HCG diet friendly meals in advance and keep them at hand to alleviate sudden bouts of hunger and energy loss .This prevents unnecessary increase in weight and encourages the intake of low calorie food products rather than quick snacking. • Explore different types of seasonings and use them generously to provide variations in the taste of permitted food products. The addition of seasonings, herbs and other condiments, can improve the taste of meals without adding to the calories. • A healthy intake of a minimum of 64 ounces of water on a daily basis, will lead to the prevention of hunger pangs and dehydration. Proper intake of water helps in increasing the success rate of the HCG Diet program in more ways than one. • High grade HCG should be procured from a licensed physician and the weight loss program should be conducted only under the supervision of an experienced practitioner. It is important to verify the source and quality of the HCG products sold online, as most of the web portals are not licensed and their products may not be approved by the FDA. The success rate of the protocol is dependent on the authenticity of the HCG products and all steps should be taken to verify the same. • Make a list of the permitted food items which do not add excessive calories to the diet. These food items should be procured and stored beforehand. All HCG products should be stored according to the prescribed guidelines. Any unused or leftover products should be stored in the refrigerator and used in the following meals. • A minimum of 2 liters of fluids should be consumed daily. You can choose between different varieties of tea and non caffeinated beverages to fulfill the daily fluid requirements. A few drops of lemon juice or stevia extract can also be added to water to enhance its flavor. The HCG Diet can yield successful results by following the above mentioned tips and prescribed guidelines.
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